This log records all the changes made to the API, along with the corresponding versions that are associated with each new addition.

April 14, 2024

  • ⚠️Removed webhook "Employee activated" as the concept was removed from the system
  • 🌟 Introduced Secrets for Webhooks to enhance security. Read more here
  • 🌟 Webhooks can now be enabled/disabled in web application
  • Added cover_letter to PUT and POST v2/recruitment/candidates
  • Added custom table data into GET v2/employees/{employee_id}
  • Added endpoint to retrieve list of all projects GET v2/time/projects
  • Updated endpoint to support project field in timesheet entry POST/DELETE v2/time/timesheet_entries/bulks
  • Updated endpoints to support project field GET/POST api/public/v2/time/timesheet_entries
  • Updated endpoint to return project field GET api/public/v2/time/timesheets

March 14, 2024

  • Added endpoint for adding skills to company skill list POST v2/skills
  • Added endpoint for returning skills from company skill list GET v2/skills
  • Added endpoint for deleting skills from company skill list DELETE v2/skills/{id}
  • Added endpoint to update an employee skill PUT v2/employees/{employee_id}/skills/{id}
  • Added endpoint to delete an employee skill DELETE v2/employees/{employee_id}/skills/{id}

March 3, 2024

  • Added to endpoint GET v2/leave_requests info (paid/unpaid, working/non-working)
  • Added endpoint for updating employee avatar PUT v2/employees/{id}/update_avatar
  • Added endpoint for returning employee certifications GET v2/employees/{id}/certifications
  • Added new endpoint to Get Employee Document GET /v2/employees/{employee_id}/documents/{id}
  • Updated employee document files return type to include temporary URL to download document.
    • url - URL to where you can download the file. This URL expires in 1 hour
    • expires_at - Specifies when the download URL will expire
  • Added endpoints for returning employee tables and employee table data for a given employee
    • GET /v2/employee_tables - returns list of all employee tables in the system
    • GET /v2/employees/{id}/tables/{id} - returns the table rows and column values of given employee table for an employees

January 19, 2024

  • 🌟 In PeopleForce app added option ID to employee and applicant custom fields screen to make easier use for API.

December 30, 2023

  • Added Bulk create timesheet entry endpoint POST /v2/time/timesheet_entries/bulk
  • Added Bulk destroy timesheet entries endpoint DELETE /v2/time/timesheet_entries/bulk
  • Added Add delete timesheet entry API endpoint
  • Added conversion \n to
    in description for POST /v2/recruitment/vacancies

November 26, 2023

  • ⚠️ Added API rate limit, read more about the change in article.
  • Added Create API Endpoint for pay schedules IDs GET /v2/pay_schedules

November 3, 2023

  • Added endpoint to List all timesheet entries GET /v2/time/timesheet_entries
  • Added endpoint to list all working patterns GET /v2/working_patterns

October 6, 2023

  • Added endpoint to List all job levels GET /v2/job_levels

May 21, 2023

  • Added filters to GET /v2/leave_requests (created_at_from, created_at_to, updated_at_from, updated_at_to)
  • Added endpoint GET /v2/employees/:id/skills
  • Added endpoint POST /v2/emploeyees/:id/skills

April 2, 2023

Updated PeopleForce custom fields approach:

  • Added version 2 of the API.
    • Replaced UUID with internal_name property to address custom fields.
    • Updated the group field to a hash with id and name subfields.
    • Added options field, which is an array of hashes with id and value [value1, value2, ...] subfields for single and multi-select field types.
    • Updated the following endpoints to reflect the changes
      • /v2/employee_fields
      • /v2/candidate_fields
      • /v2/vacancy_fields
    • Added a dropdown in the header of the page to switch between API v1 and v2 documentation.